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For a number of years this was the official website for Healthy Talk Radio and the Deborah Ray Show.
The new owners of this domain have followed Deborah Ray over the years and wanted to keep a historical record of this original site of Healthy Talk Radio. Content is from the site's 2002 - 2008 archived pages.
Enjoy the nostalgic look back and thank you Deborah Ray for educating us.
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Broadcasting since 1982, Healthy Talk Radio featuring America's Wellness Doctor, Julian Whitaker, MD, is America's longest-running health talk radio show. We cut through the spin and bring you news, information, and recommendations that can truly make a difference in your life.
I'm happy to announce that Healthy Talk Radio will be airing on KABC, Los Angeles' #2 talk radio station. Tune in on Sundays to 790 AM or listen live on at 7:00 AM PST (10:00 AM EST). If you'd like answers to your health questions, call in during the show. The number is (800) 222-KABC (5222). I look forward to talking with you.
You can listen to the live broadcast Sunday:
4:00-7:00 PM EST
3:00-6:00 PM CST
2:00-5:00 PM MST
1:00-4:00 PM PST
You can listen to the live KABC 790AM broadcast Sunday:
10:00-11:00 AM EST
9:00-10:00 AM CST
8:00-9:00 AM MST
7:00-8:00 AM PST
It is important that you do not reduce, change, or discontinue any medication or treatment without first consulting your physician. Dr. Whitaker offers his recommendations only as "generally informational" and not as specifically applicable to any individuals medical problem(s), concerns, and/or needs.
Week of June 1 to June 6, 2008
Sunday - June 1, 2008
Hour 1
Clean Up Your Colon with Guest: Ann Louise Gittleman
Hour 2
Reflexolgy with Guest: Paul Harvey
Preventing Osteoporosis with Julian Whitaker, MD
Sunday - September 7, 2008
Hour 1
How To Maintain Your Brain with Mark Underwood
Hour 2
The Health Benefits of Chlorella with Shera Raisen, MD
Hour 3
A Sugar That's Good for You with Tom Vonderbrink
Sunday - November 23, 2008
Hour 1
News from the Clinic: The Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs; Protect Your Health With Phytonutrients with Mark Knaus
Hour 2
News from the Clinic: You Don't Have to Live in Pain; A Natural Approach to Diabetes with Li-Tao Zhomg, MD
Hour 3
News from the Clinic: Stop Drugging Our Kids with Kevin Miller; Boost Your Energy With Ribose with Tom Vonderbrink
Doctor, Julian Whitaker, MD
America's Wellness Doctor, Julian Whitaker, MD, is a pioneer in complementary medicine. After graduating from Dartmouth College, obtaining a medical degree from Emory University, and completing a general surgical residency, Dr. Whitaker became interested in nutrition and other therapies not taught in medical school. In 1979, he opened the Whitaker Wellness Institute and began utilizing nutrition, supplements, and other unconventional therapies to treat and even reverse serious health problems. Today, Whitaker Wellness, located in Newport Beach, California, is the largest and most comprehensive clinic of its kind in the US.
Dr. Whitaker is also a respected educator and outspoken advocate of integrative therapies. He is the author of Health & Healing, a popular monthly newsletter that has reached millions of households since 1991, and has written 13 books, including Reversing Diabetes, Reversing Heart Disease, Reversing Hypertension, and Dr. Whitaker's Guide to Natural Healing. He is also a tireless spokesman for medical freedom and founder of the Whitaker Health Freedom Foundation.
In 2007, he began co-hosting Healthy Talk Radio in order to expand his outreach, give out timely information, and allow listeners the opportunity for personal interaction. With Dr. Whitaker's participation, Healthy Talk Radio is poised to become the most listened-to, influential health show on the airwaves.
2001 - 2006
Welcome to the brand-new home of the Deborah Ray Show!
The Deborah Ray Show is the nation’s number one talk radio show focusing on health, nutrition and lifestyle issues!
Six days a week, Deborah broadcasts live from coast to coast, talking with you and top experts on the day’s hottest health and lifestyle issues-- important topics that affect you and your family!
Deborah is a healthcare consumer just like you! With a masters degree in immunology, she asks just the right questions to bring cutting-edge health and lifestyle issues to a level everyone can understand!
The Deborah Ray Show is on the air each weekday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Eastern Time, and Sunday afternoons from 4 to 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Deborah is frequently joined by talkradio’s Medical Maverick, Donald J. Carrow, M.D., for a bigger dose of honesty than you would normally find in a roomful of doctors!
Deborah Ray has been bringing quality health information to radio listeners since 1982! She became a firm beliver in alternative medical techniques when she was told she needed a colostomy at the age of 23. She chose the alternative route instead, and embarked on a lifelong exploration of the use of natural products and methods to deal with disease. But most of all, she’s a medical consumer, just like you!
Deborah has been consistently named among the top 100 most important talk radio hosts in America by Talkers Magazine, and has been host and speaker for numerous seminars and events since 1994. She is a member on the American Society of Medical Technologists, American Society of Clinical Pathologists, and Florida Society of Clinical Pathologists. Her academic awards include National Merit Scholar and the Bausch and Lomb Physics Award. Ms. Ray has a BS in Medical Technology from the University of Kentucky, a MS in Immunology from the University of Louisville, and is certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists. She is married to the show’s cofounder Donald J. Carrow, MD and they live in Clearwater, FL with their seven (!!!) long-haired Chihuahuas.
Learn more about Deborah in a recent interview she gave to the Council for Responsible Nutrition!
And here is Deborah’s daily regimen:
Vitamin C 1000-4000 mg. 3 times a day
Vitamin E 400/400-1 in the morning and 1 at night (400 gamma and 400 alpha)
B complex 100-1 in the morning
B6 250 mg.-1 in the morning
CoQ 10 50 mg.-1 in the evening
Trace Mineral Complex-1 capsule 3 times a day
Mixed Carotene-100,000 IU one capsule per day
NAC-500 mg.-500 mg.1 per da
Alpha Lipoic Acid-100 mg. 1 per day
Mg. citrate- 1 ounce per day
Mixed Probiotic Product-1 per day
Mixed fatty acid product (EFA)-1 T. per day
Beta Glucan-1 75. Mg. capsule morning and night
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Mitchell Ghen, D.O. | Open Lines | |
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Bill Judy, Ph.D. |Coenzyme Q10 & The Statin drugs | |
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Bryan Farnum | Rheumatoid Arthritis | |
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Shari Lieberman, Ph.D. | Neurotransmitters | |
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Robert Kulacz, D.D.S | Root Canals & Bone Infections, Connecting The Dots | |
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Chris Bryson |The Fluoride Deception | |
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Stephen Holt, M.D. | Antioxidants | |
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Bryan Farnum | Health Consequences Of Not Speaking The Truth | |
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Michael Ciell, R.Ph.| Debunking The "Lipid/Fat" Theory Of Heart Disease | |
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Al Meilus | Meilus Muscular Therapy And Sports | |
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Should Doctors Be Disciplined For Being Rude ? | |
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Andy Mandell, Mr. Diabetes | Defeat Diabetes | |
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Bryan Farnum | Rheumatoid Arthritis | |
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John Young, M.D. | Open Lines | |
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Denise Ivester - Fieldale Farms Plans To Keep Workers Healthy John Young, M.D.| Open Lines |
Donald J. Carrow, M.D. graduated from medical school at the University of Louisville in 1969, but before that, he was a successful research chemist at ARCO Sinclair with major patents to his credit. After completing his residency in anesthesia, he became deeply involved in the fast growing bypass industry, teaching at the University of Louisville, doing research there, and rising to president of the private anesthesia group there.
When he made a major career choice in 1979 to pursue alternative therapies including chelation therapy, his medical colleagues attacked him repeatedly. While he won all of the battles, he earned the name “Talk Radio’s Medical Maverick,” far enough ahead of his time to suffer for it. Today, his practice in the Tampa Bay, FL area specializes in the prevention and treatment of illnesses through nutrition and lifestyle.
If you would like to ask Dr. Carrow a medical question, keep it short, sweet, to-the-point and send it to:
And if you’re curious about the vitamins and supplements that Dr. Carrow takes himself each day, see for yourself!
Know what you’re buying! Click here for tips on how to do a background check on the supplements you use!
Now, take a deep breath!
Here’s the daily regimen of Talk Radio’s Medical Maverick, Donald J. Carrow, M.D.:
Vitamin E 400/400 (equal gamma and alpha)-1 in the morning and in the evening
Tocotrienols-1 high potency 3 times a day (68 IU)
EPA fish oil-3 high potency capsules 3 times a day (300 mg. per capsule)
Co-Q 10 (gel)-50 mg. morning and night
B complex 100-100 mg. of each, 3 times a day
Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg. 3 times a day
Zinc picolinate-25 mg. once per day
Trace Minerals –1 complex 3 times a day
Saw Palmetto Complex-2, 2 times a day
Multivitamin/mineral-1, 3 times a day
Mixed probiotic product-1 per day
Mixed EFA product-1 T. per day
Mg citrate-1 ounce per day
NAC-1 500 mg. 2 times a day
Alpha Lipoic acid-100 mg. 3 times a day
Hydrolyzed Gelatin-2.5 g. two times a day
Glucosamine and Chondrotin-750 mg. 2 times a day
Beta Glucan- 1 75 mg. AM
Folic Acid- 5 mg each day.
Potassium- 20 mEq once per day
Mixed Carotenes-100,000 IU one per day
A hundred years ago, it may surprise you to learn that natural therapies such as herbs and homeopathy dominated the American practice of medicine. As the twenty-first century now dawns, the resurgence of interest in alternative therapies is greater than ever before. The most common reasons we seek out complementary or alternative therapies are those conditions poorly served by our conventional medical community. Pain is at the top of the list.
The hallmark of alternative medicine is to provide to the body the nutrients it needs to heal. While we could discuss natural ways to relieve pain symptomatically, let’s focus on prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is a non-surgical, natural way to assist the body to repair injured tendons and ligaments. Pain relief is just one of its well-documented side effects.
Who can benefit from prolotherapy? Anyone who suffers from one of the following:
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Arthritis pain
- Migraines
- Fibromyalgia
- Sports injuries
- RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) pain
- TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction)
- Tendonitis
- Sciatica
- Herniated disks
- Bursitis
- Joint pain, i.e. shoulder, elbow, hip, knee
And the benefits are lasting as long as the patient continues an active use of the area involved.
The roots of prolotherapy, as it is presently practiced, date back to the 1920s. It has enjoyed a strong following since a resurgence in the 1950s. Its theory is akin to a technique used by Hippocrates who had a wonderful wisdom about the body’s ability to heal itself. Greek soldiers of ancient times with torn or dislocated shoulders endured a hot poker thrust into the joint by Hippocrates, which resulted in a miraculous healing of the body by itself. It is also closely related to sclerotherapy, the injection technique, for the repair of hernias by injection that developed in the 1830s.
The intriguing history of prolotherapy includes one very satisfied patient who was told in his 40s to expect a life of chronic pain. That patient was a physician destined to make his mark as our surgeon general. C. Everett Koop, M.D. His personal expereince in getting total relief was so impressive that Dr. Koop offered prolotherapy to the parents of his pediatric patients whenever he observed them in pain. The physician, Dr. Gustav Hemwall, who treated Dr. Koop, was one of the greatest teachers of prolotherapy of our time. Many physicians who use both conventional and alternative treatment options find prolotherapy an essential tool to help their patients regain and maintain optimal health.
Prolotherapy is an injection technique using natural substances that cause the proliferation (hence the term “Prolo”) of new cells where the ligament tissue has become weak. Prolotherapy uses the injection of a natural substance (which may be a dextrose solution among other choices), which causes a local inflammation in those areas of weak tissues and pain. The body’s response to inflammation is to draw additional blood there along with the flow of nutrients. All of this stimulates the tissue to heal itself. This healing cascade results in the body’s production of new collagen. The collagen becomes new ligament or tendon tissue. One of the properties of new collagen is to shrink as it matures. This contraction of the collagen makes the ligament tighter and much stronger than it was before. Ligaments that have been injured or have become weak rarely heal back to their original level of strength or endurance. One of the main reasons for this is the poor blood supply of the ligaments, which makes healing slow and often incomplete. Clinical studies have actually demonstrated increased ligament strength after prolotherapy and account for its lasting benefits, estimated to be an increase of 20-40%.
The ligaments do have nerve endings. These nerves produce the pain sensation that marks every condition, which can be treated by prolotherapy, noted above. Once the ligament tissue has been tightened and strengthened, the area is stabilized and the pain often relieved.
Because the substances used for injection are no longer patentable, pharmaceutical companies have no financial incentive to promote their use. Instead, we have a huge market focus on prescription antiinflammatory agents including the newly celebrated Celebrex and Vioxx. Many physicians who appreciate the wisdom and insight of Hippocrates now wonder if we risk limiting our body’s healing response with a “quick-to-write-a-‘script” approach to minimize the body’s inflammatory response. Perhaps, this may account for the fact pointed out by a European Conference in Rheumatology that no prescription drug has ever cured a single case of arthritis.
These treatments may include the use of prolotherapy injections along with the use of injectable glucosamine, yes, that’s the oral nutrient has shown benefit for degenerative joints and disks, along with injections of human growth hormone (HGH) into the deteriorating joint.
This approach addresses the weakened or injured ligaments and tendons, the deterioration of the gel-like cartilage within the joint that precipitates action when it becomes bone-on-bone, and the growth factors that combine for a triple healing team.
The first step is to determine if you are a candidate by sitting down with a trained physician. Some of the signs and symptoms a skilled practitioner will assess include the following:
- People with shoulder pain including those who have trouble sleeping on their shoulders
- Those who suffer from joint dislocation
- A joint that is worse with activity and better with rest
- Someone whose chiropractic adjustments help, but don’t last
- The problem does not respond to muscle relaxants, arthritis medication, cortisone shots, or nerve blocks during a six-week period
- Cases of failed surgery
- A joint that is aided by a brace, a sling, or a splint
- The diagnosis of a ligament or tendon sprain or tear
- The joint has a deep aching or pulling pain
- Cases of shooting pain, tingling, or numbness
- Temporal mandibular pain (TMJ)
- Sciatica
- Neck and back pain
- ·Severe joint deterioration in patients advised to have joint replacement
One of the often asked question is how many treatments will I need? Because the healing process is largely individual, one patient may respond to 4-6 prolotherapy injections and another may need twice that or more to achieve full satisfaction. Patients with healthy immune systems seem to respond more quickly.
Each session may involve multiple injections. Some practitioners note that lower back pain may require up to fifty injections per sessions. The pain of the injection is lessened with the use of an anesthetic such as lidocaine. Swelling and stiffness is very common for a few days after the injections.
The injections, in skilled hands, are relatively benign. Dr. Koop states, The nice thing about prolotherapy, if properly done, is that it cannot do any harm. As with any medical technique, there can be complications. There were three instances in the early 1950s in the literature that involved an injection too close to the nerve resulting in severe complications. Dr. Hemwall who was the physician of Dr. Koop performed prolotherapy on over 10,000 patients with no serious complications ever noted. Dr. Hemwall states his success rate was 90%. The full healing response may take several months to achieve.
The studies involving prolotherapy have been published in prestigious journals including Lancet and The Journal of the American Medical Association. These studies all cite success rates well over 50% and results lasting from 2-12 years or even longer. A quick search of the Internet on the subject listed well over fifty sites of information. While there are several medical textbooks on the subject, Pain, Pain Go Away by Bill Faber, D.O. and Prolo Your Pain Away by Ross Hauser, M.D. will also help educate you on a consumer level.
by Donald J. Carrow, M.D.
(Part 1 of 2)
Chelation (pronounced 'kee-la-shun') is derived from the Greek word 'chele', meaning pincher like or to claw. It is a term that was initially coined as far back as 1893 when the pioneering research of Swiss Nobel laureate Alfred Werner developed this theory. It described how metals bind to organic molecules.
It was not until the early 1920's the term chelation became important to the industrial world. The basic concept of chelation found its application in the manufacture of paint, rubber, and petroleum. It was found later to be useful for the separation of certain metals, thereby gaining importance to the electroplating and industrial dye industry.
In the mid-1930's, German industrialists involved in their war efforts realized that any conflict with the western world would result in cutting off their supply of citric acid. To understand their concerns you must realized that most of the world used citric acid as a chelator to prevent staining during the printing of textiles and as a method of removing calcium from water.
Thanks to the German scientists, the synthetic amino-acid EDTA (Ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid) was discovered to be the ideal chelating agent to remove not only calcium, but also other metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury from solution. This, of course, rendered these metals inactive.
During World War II and thereafter, industry has identified many other chelating agents. Among these in the literature was the famous BAL (British Anti-Lewisite) discovered by the British which rendered arsenic from poison gases harmless; Obviously, it was a chelating agent.
Following World War II chelation therapy was introduced into the medical arena. It became the standard treatment for arsenic and other heavy metal poisonings. Many scientists then began to promoted EDTA and other chelating agents as a means of treating other disorders.
The feeling that we must have an effective means of treating post World War II disasters such as radiation sickness became an obsession with the government and our scientists. EDTA emerged as the primary agent that might be effective as an anti-radiation therapy (a chelator). The theory suggested that radioactive particles associated with radioactive fallout could be simply chelated out using agents such as EDTA. I guess this gave us, or at least the powers to be, a sense of false security. Thank god that this theory was never tested, for I fear they were wrong.
In the 1950's EDTA became the Navy's choice for the treatment of lead poisoning, a condition not infrequently encounter within the service. As you probably remember most of the Navy's ships were painted with lead based paints. Actually, this was the first recorded instance where patients noted other beneficial changes following the use of EDTA.
By the mid 1950's EDTA became the standard medical treatment for lead poisoning. It was this acceptance of EDTA chelation that subsequently led pioneers like Dr Norman Clark (who had been using EDTA chelation, since the late 1940's) to conclude that patients treated for lead poisoning also reported improvement in the symptoms related to poor circulation.
During this same period Dr Carlos Lamar of Miami, Florida had begun to use EDTA chelation as a routine method of treating many types of poor circulation including but not limited to chest pain (angina pectoris). He like many other innovators are now held out as the originators of our present day chelating techniques.
Many clinicians now began to accept EDTA chelation as the treatment of choice in the treatment of many forms of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). In fact, up until the early 1960's EDTA (Endrate®, disodium) was described in the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) as having beneficial action in the management of intractable angina pectoris, scleroderma, and porphyria, and there is evidence that Endrate® is an effective agent for the treatment of digitalis intoxication...
From this point on anyone with as infantile knowledge of scientific assumption would have predicted that the medical community would pursue the concepts of chelation therapy as a means of treating poor circulation with a vengeance.
Unfortunately, this did not happen. What did happen was the advent of theories that plaque (the lesion responsible for poor circulation) was the inevitable consequence of life. All treatments, thereafter, were directed at techniques to repair the disease of poor circulation---not to prevent or circumvent it.
Now appeared the notorious and profitable surgical techniques of bypassing the diseased or blocked arteries. This led to the present day wholesale use of the coronary artery bypass grafting procedure and its subsequent money drain, the 'angioplasty balloon procedure'.
Author's Note: Since I personally have been involved in the evolution of coronary artery bypass surgery and the angioplasty balloon procedure, it was very difficult for me as a specialist in the field of anesthesiology for this approach to comprehend why! Why didn't the profession choose to pursue the much less expensive and damaging technique of chelation therapy for the treatment of poor circulation? Had medicine reached a point of no return, where the almighty dollar takes precedence over the health and well being of the patient? I think we all can now answer this. Just look around you. Read the news, watch the television, or listen to the radio---all you hear is the wonders of the knife, the mystic of science. Yet, we rarely hear that science has out stripped itself and given way to the wonders of the dollar.
Much of the above discussion has suggested one of the primary mechanisms of chelation. That is certain organic chemical compounds have the ability to bind metals rendering them inactive. It is this chemical combination that then allows metals such as calcium, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc to be excreted from the body via the kidneys. Though simplified this is the chelation process in a nut shell. Now lets get down to some of the more definitive applications of chelation therapy.
In 1962 Denham Harman postulated the 'free radical concept of aging'. Though the existence of these highly reactive free radicals were known to chemistry and medicine, little attention had been given to the role they played in the development of biochemical dysfunction and the degenerative process. Dr Harman's, et al work has demonstrated that 'free radicals' could deactivate even the simplest of biochemical enzyme reaction.
After decades of in fighting over the 'free radical process' scientist now agree that it probably explains how biochemical reactions and DNA can be disrupted. In other words I think I am safe in saying that most of us now feel that many of our environmental pollutants may be responsible for the development of this societies prevalence of degenerative diseases. I might add that many environmental conditions are capable of producing 'free radicals'. This includes radiation, insecticides, toxic metals, food additives, life style habits, and household pollutants to mention only a few.
The work of Dr Elmer Cranton, et al has now suggested that EDTA chelation therapy has the ability to interfere with the 'free radical process' by chemically reacting with these so called 'free radical' before they damage the bodies biochemical system. They further showed that EDTA chelation therapy could not only neutralized the 'free radical process' but it could also effect the reversal of the damage it had inflicted.
NOTE: A 'free radical' is a chemical structure such as oxygen (O2) which has lost an electron from it's structure making it a highly reactive chemical capable of reacting with other chemical substances such as enzymes or DNA. In the case of oxygen radical it would be designated as O-, indicating a loss of electrons.
I am not trying to under state the known or suggested mechanisms of the chelation process. In fact, lets make it clear that the literature reflects over twenty different mechanisms of action. It does suffice to say that the above two theories are at the forefront and must be mentioned in any discussion on the mechanisms involved in the chelation process. The following is a brief list of some of other, probably less important theories:
1) EDTA chelation has been implicated as an adjunct to the stabilization of the cellular mitochondrial reaction (cells process that produces the energy for body metabolism).
2) EDTA is well known for interfering with the platelet stimulated clotting mechanism. The exact mechanism is yet unknown.
3) Although many practitioners feel that EDTA chelation therapy would result in a thinning of the body's skeletal structure, research and experience has demonstrated just the opposite. It results in an overall thickening of bone in the body.
4) Since many malignancies are metal dependent it only stands to reason that the use of EDTA chelation therapy may be helpful in the treatment of certain cancerous conditions, like lymphomas, leukemias, and adenocarcinomas.
Although chelation therapy has been used successfully in over 700,000 cases in the United States, it is not yet routinely accepted within the confines of North America. This is even more difficult to understand, because it is the initial treatment of choice for vascular disease in most of the world. Still, today, most of the vested interest groups in this country openly and sometimes viciously oppose its use for any reason. Included in this opposition to chelation are the medically accepted uses of chelation in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning, digitalis toxicity, and calcinosis (defined as calcium deposits within the body tissues).
Needless to say, this draws a line in the sand that states that the use of chelation therapy will not be tolerated, regardless of its proven and medically accepted applications. That being said, we now need to take a closer look at those who oppose the use of chelation in the treatment of any disorder, including vascular disease.
Before we undertake this let's eliminate Canada from the discussion even though it, like the United States, opposes the use of chelation therapy. The Canadian Medical Association makes no attempt to disguise its primary direction; it calls itself a union---a union dedicated to the welfare of its membership. Obviously, its members are the physicians whose vested interests could be financially compromised by the wide spread use of chelation therapy. Consequently, the union simply forced the Canadian Government to outlaw the use of chelation therapy.
In the United States, on the other hand, this tactic could not openly be exercised by the American Medical Association. Remember, this is a group that claims that their only purpose of existence is educational and to protect the citizens of this country---from what I have yet to conclude. The designation 'union' to the American Medical Association would be perceived as 'the kiss of death', defeating everything they claim to represent.
The Problems Confronting Chelation Therapy as the Initial Therapy for all Types of Vascular Disease:
1. Big medicine, ie the American Medical Association, the American Pharmaceutical Association, and of course the American Heart Association vehemently oppose chelation therapy, deriding it as quackery (remember the word quackery has been redefined by modern day medicine to mean anybody or anything that is not routinely accepted by tradition---the dictionary definition, as you known, simply means and unqualified person pretending to be a doctor).
There exists a general anti-alternative or holistic bias that is overlaid by perpetuation of allopathic medicine's support of its economic interest---specifically, the financial interest of the American Medical Association and others. Therefore, in 1962 the American Medical Association declared that chelation therapy was ineffective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis (done without any attempt to evaluate its efficacy and despite evidence to the contrary). This resulted in the insurance companies' refusal to pay for the use of chelation therapy---this was the kiss of death at the time, since most of medical care was dependent on insurance payments.
Needless to say, this didn't make good economic sense if you compared the cost of the invasive bypass surgery to that of non-invasive chelation therapy. The bypass cost about $15,000 to $20,000 (in 1995 the procedure cost an average of $74,000 according to the Rand Corporation) compared to $1,000 to $2,000 for chelation therapy (in today's market this is now $4,000 to $6,000).
Over the following years, the use of coronary artery bypass surgery and a new kid on the block called percutaneous transluminal angioplasty emerged as the treatment of choice in the treatment of most forms of arteriosclerosis, especially poor circulation in the vessels around the heart. This new kid on the block, commonly called the 'balloon procedure' flourished, resulting in making the once 'poor' cardiologist very wealthy. In fact, this procedure is now referred to as the payment to the cardiologist for services rendered. Author's Note: Like the coronary artery bypass surgery there has never been a research study, throughout the world literature, to defend the wholesale use of the 'balloon procedure'. It remains a payment in kind for services rendered, a trade-off between the vascular surgeon who benefits mostly from bypass surgery and the cardiologistg who now benefits from balloon angioplasty. It has clearly been the American Medical Association, either directly or indirectly though its influences on certain publications, such as The Medical Letter (a publication we as physicians receive biweekly, which purports to inform us on the current trends in medicine), who has steadfastly ignored the scientific evidence which backs the use of chelation therapy. Over the years this publication has been the American Medical Association's primary control over many areas of medicine, not only the use of chelation therapy.
The following is a partial reprint of The Medical Letter's most recent attack on chelation therapy (they do it every ten years or more often if positive information on chelation therapy is publicized):
The Medical letter continues to receive inquiries about the value of edetate disodium (EDTA) chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease. The last Medical Letter article on this subject was published in 1981 (volume 23, page 51). Some authors have estimated that more the 500,000 people receive this form of treatment each year (MT Grier and DG Myers, Ann Pharmacother, 27:1504, Dec 1993).
RATIONALE---EDTA chelates divalent and trivalent ions such as calcium, zinc, lead, iron and copper, which are then excreted in the urine. Proposed mechanisms of action of EDTA treatment of atherosclerosis include removal of calcium from atherosclerotic plaques and depletion of iron and copper necessary for enzyme-induced oxidation of lipoproteins (S Parthasarathy and D Steinberg, Curr Opin Lipidol, 3:313, 1992).
CLINICAL TRAILS---Most published reports supporting EDTA chelation therapy for atherosclerosis are in the form of testimonials and case reports (EM Cranton and A Brecher, Bypassing Bypass: The New Technique of Chelation Therapy, New York: Stein and Day, 1990). The only large case-series included 1974 consecutive patients treated in a chelation clinic with open-label EDTA 50mg/kg three times weekly for 20 to 40 treatments. Non- blinded and non-uniformly applied out come measurements noted "improvement" in 93.5% of patients with ischemic heart disease and in 98.6% of those with peripheral vascular disease (E Olszewer and JP Carter, Med Hypothesis, 27:91, 1988). An uncontrolled longitudinal study of symptomatic improvement in all patients and an average increase of 5.8% in ejection fraction (HR Casdorph, J Advancement Med, 2:121, 1989). In the only well-designed clinical trail published on this subject, 153 patients with severe intermittent claudication were randomized to receive 20 infusions of EDTA 3 grams per infusion, or saline over five to nine weeks; no statistically significant differences in pain-free or maximum walking distances were observed between EDTA and placebo after the 20 infusions of three and six months later (B Guldager et al, J Intern Med, 231:261, 1992).
ADVERSE EFFECTS---Renal toxicity (sometimes fatal), cardiac arrhythmias, bone marrow depression, exfoliative dermatitis, histamine-like reactions, insulin shock, and thromboembolic have occurred with use of chelation therapy, but few adverse effect have been reported when a protocol using 50 mg/kg per infusion of EDTA was followed as recommended by the American College of Advancement in Medicine (EM Cranton, A Texbook on EDTA Chelation Therapy, New York: Human Sciences Press, 1989, page 269). A double-blind study using a similar protocol found no apparent increase in adverse effects compared to placebo in 56 patients followed for six months (B Guldager et al, cited above).
CONCLUSION---There is no acceptable evidence that EDTA chelation therapy is effective for the treatment of cardiovascular disease...
Now, if you really want to see a contradiction in conclusions, take the time to look up The Medical Letter on EDTA chelation therapy published in 1981 (volume 23, page 51). Here they lauded the previous research efforts supporting the benefits, but as predicted come to the same conclusion that it does not work. In the above they forgot to tell you that the study by Dr Guldager, et al, the so called New Zealand chelation study, was poorly designed by vascular surgeons with a vested interest and that they did not utilize ACAM's printed and standard protocols for chelation therapy.
Before we leave this joke, let's also remember that there exist no well designed double blind studies to justify the use of coronary artery bypass surgery or for that matter the silly balloon angioplasty procedure. Please, if theycould find just one study I would like to publish it in gold for the world to see. Better yet, I would let the authors have equal time over national talk radio to defend it---I would even personally provide the cost of the time.
Let's face it, I really think that the American Medical Association has stuck its foot so deep down its own throat that there is no was that it could ever retreat. I don't think that you or I will ever see this group of self centered individuals ever admit that they were wrong even in the face overwhelming evidence.
2. Now there is the case of the ever dominant hospital industry. These are the people who stand to gain most from us not using chelation therapy as the standard and first line attack on all vascular disease. This is the industry who has made the original debt service investments of 1 to 2 million dollars each to get into the profits of bypass and angioplasty. This is the industry that intends to milk the golden goose for every red cent. By the way we haven't added a new hospital system to perform bypass surgery in this country in the past 4 years. Maybe the hospital industry has concluded that you and I don't intend to accept it much longer.
For your personal information the debt service investment made by a hospital to perform bypass surgery is usually repaid in less that two years; thereafter, every penny is money in the bank. What a return on your money!
3. While we are on the subject we must touch briefly on the profiteers who supply the drugs and the disposable needs for bypass surgery and for the balloon angioplasty procedure.
Here lies the real chain pullers and profiteers. These are the people who walk away with the bulk of the profits from all type of vascular disease such as the cardiac catherization the procedure required before you undergo either bypass or balloon. These are the people who have found a home, as long as chelation therapy is never accepted, in the area of return on the debt service. Many recently published reports now suggest that these procedures generate profits in the range of 40 to 70 percent; all this as a result of our suffering. These procedures have the highest profit margins of any hospital based procedures.
4. Next we must look at the co-conspirators, the FDA, the American Heart Association, and your government.
In the past I have written extensively on the FDA. By now most of us are aware that this is a bureaucratic organization that exists solely for the purpose of enhancing the profit margins of the pharmaceutical industry. It is also a mechanism by which competition can be controlled. Hopefully, our present government will take action to decrease this monster before it eats us alive.
The American Heart Association, like most of the other so called charitable organizations, remains in existence only as long as they can prevent you and I from having viable prevention and treatments for heart and vascular disease. If we were to find a cure for heart disease today, the American Heart Association would disappear tomorrow. It would follow the course of the March of Dimes when we were finally able to gain access to the tuberculosis vaccines.
5. I must also mention that small number of physicians and surgeons whose livelihood is dependant on us not allowing the use of more effective treatments for vascular disease like chelation therapy. Let's be fair this group represents only a very small number of cardiologists and vascular surgeons; in fact, if they disappeared tomorrow no one would even notice.
This is a select group of egotistical and pompous physicians whose incomes far exceed their worth. This is a group of physicians who are capable, because of their incomes and positions in the medical communities of controlling the actions of most other physicians. They have the power to make or break their competition. It is a power that you and I have delegated to them indirectly though our state medical regulatory systems. We let them abuse it by simply looking the other way.
This must stop if we are ever going to gain control over medicine so that it can be redirected to us and not to the medical system.
Evolution of modern day Chelation Therapy: Even the face of the multifactorial opposition and adversities confronting chelation therapy it has now evolved into routinely used technique used in the treatment of many types of vascular and heart diseases.
Unfortunately, it has not taken its rightful position of the first line of therapy for all forms of vascular and heart diseases. The day will come, hopefully very soon, that you will seen this type of therapy in the forefront. Traditional or allopathic medicine can no longer block the use of chelation therapy, yet they continue to try.
Allopathic medicine is now exercising its last ditch efforts to stop chelation therapy from being used. They are not trying to use the power you and I have given them to police themselves. They are now bringing pressure on your individual state medical regulatory system, ie the state Boards of Medicine.
Most of the state regulatory Boards of Medicine have begun an effort to define the use of chelation therapy as unsound medical practice. To date they have failed. When they tried in the state of Florida they were slapped in the face with a Florida State Supreme Court Ruling which support the physicians right to use chelation therapy, a unanimous decision in 1980.
An attempt was made in Indiana only to be reversed by the governor who yielded to the pressures of the citizens. To date the medical community in Indiana has now given up but continues to attack physicians who use chelation---not for using chelation but for any reason they can concoct.
A similar attempt is now being tried in California. Here traditional medicine has completely bypassed the legislative process and are in the process of pressuring the California Board of Medicine into outlawing chelation therapy. It's highly unlikely that they will prevail. We, though our national organization the American College of Advancement in Medicine, have mobilized a very strong local and national effort to block this effort.
To date only one state has succeeded in suppressing the use of chelation therapy. Unfortunately, it's my once home state of Kentucky. If it were ever possible to outlaw chelation therapy it would be in a state like Kentucky where the members of the Board of Medicine vegetate---by this I mean that once appointed they remain there for life. Remember, I know most of these guys. That means I know not only their dirty laundry but their level of incompetence. I can assure you that at some point in the future I will do chelation therapy in the state of Kentucky only with the intent of forcing this backward group of has beens into a judicial court of law---then we will see.
Roughly, 60 million Americans suffer from hypertension suggesting that it might be a disease of inheritance or aging. Generally speaking it is a symptom free disorder that commonly begins in the second or third decade of life. Furthermore, most of the people who are diagnosed as having hypertension are under sixty five years of age. Given this statistical information, the likelihood of a genetic origin for hypertension is unlikely. On the other hand, hypertension is seen with a greater frequency in the Black American which does lend some support to a genetic disposition. Considering the general distribution of hypertension in the general population as a whole, its development would seem to best be our overindulgence in life's bounty, self abuse and neglect, and our failure to cope with environmental stress from all origins.
Blood pressure is normally regulated by 'feed back loops', a term we use in medicine to explain how one's blood pressure can be unconsciously increased or decreased. Without going into details, there exist receptor sites (groups of specialized cells) scattered throughout the circulation system. These receptors stimulate or suppress changes in the blood pressure when activated by changes in pressure itself, by chemical changes in the blood including oxygen and carbon dioxide. In short, if any type of a change occurs in the circulation status, a chain of events are put into play though this 'feed back loop' to affect a correction towards homeostasis (equilibrium). It is the disruption of this delicate mechanism that results in the condition known as hypertension. Thus far, medical science has determined that there are two broad classifications of hypertension; these are Primary and Secondary Hypertension. Both will be explained later.
Hypertension (more commonly called: High Blood Pressure) is a condition that is simple to diagnose, even though it is a condition that may have single, multiple, or numerous origins, many of which may be very complex. Simply defined, hypertension means that one's blood pressure readings, on three or more occasions (debate exist within the medical community as to the exact number of abnormal readings necessary), are found to be above average values; these are numbers established by the insurance interest---not the medical interest. The insurance industry has established (probably though accumulative data) a blood pressure reading of 140/90 as that reading above which you are defined as having hypertension. One other point of interest is that these readings are in mm of Hgo (millimeter of mercury), just in case you are ever asked.
Let's explain what we mean by the numbers used to establish the diagnose of hypertension. The top number of the equation is always the greater of the readings and is called the systolic pressure while the lower number called the diastolic pressure and always is the lesser value. It is this lower number, the diastolic pressure, that seem to always command the greatest attention from the medical and lay communities. In passing, let's also define another important value; this is the pulse pressure which represents the numerical difference between the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. Like the systolic and diastolic pressures the pulse pressure also has special diagnostic significance:
Ø SYSTOLIC PRESSURE: The systolic pressure reading seems to have greater significance to the patient than to the physician; maybe because it is the large value and certainly gets first attention. Generally it is a transient value that is commonly associated excitement and apprehension. This is also that segment of the pressure reading that reflects the pressure in the arteries at the end of the initial contraction of the heart muscle; therefore it can reflect the development of advancing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), especially in the large arteries such as the aorta coming off the heart. It is also sometime seen when the aortic valve (the out flow heart valve) is incompetent. This is the type of increase in blood pressure that is commonly referred to as systolic hypertension. This is also a form of hypertension that responds poorly to traditional techniques of therapy.
Ø DIASTOLIC PRESSURE: This pressure reading represents that pressure remaining in the heart, and therefore the arteries, following the completion of contraction. It is the increase in this number that has been most commonly associated with the term hypertension. It is also the pressure reading that responds most quickly to therapy, both the traditional and non-traditional approaches. This is also the pressure reading which is consider to be increased when the diagnosis of primary (essential) hypertension is rendered by most physicians.
Ø PULSE PRESSURE: This is a non-discript reading that represents the difference between the maximum systolic reading (top value in millimeters of Hg) and the minimum diastolic (bottom value in millimeters of Hg). Much significance has been attributed to the increasing of this number. Fortunately, for our discussion its significance is mostly for research purposes. It can, however, represent the development of heart valvular disorders.
Hypertension is generally classified as Primary or Secondary. Primary hypertension is most often referred to as Essential hypertension and by far comprises about 90% of hypertensive cases diagnosed in this country. Essential is merely a term which suggests that a cause of the disorder cannot be established; in effect we don't know. I might add that it is well established that blood pressure fluctuates widely in response to emotional stress, especially anger, frustration, and resentment. There is no reason these factors could be attributed as the primary cause of hypertension.
Primary Hypertension: Primary (Essential) hypertension comprises 90% of the patients diagnosed as having hypertension. About all we can say with certainty is that it occurs in 10 to 15% of the white adult population and 20 to 30% of the American Black adult population; and as has already been pointed out it most often is seen in the middle age group population. Women seem to be affected more often than males. In most cases no definitive origin can be found; however, many researchers have implicated a dysfunction in a complex enzyme-hormone relation between the kidneys and the adrenal glands which seems to alter the relation of blood sodium and potassium to their excretion by the kidneys.
Secondary Hypertension: Usually those patient given the diagnosis of secondary hypertension have undergone though evaluations that have suggested some type of abnormality, such as advancing atherosclerosis of the arterial system going to the kidneys or other major arteries like the aorta. In many cases the patient has developed some type of kidney disease, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, or polycystic kidneys (thought to be a congenital deformity of the structural components of the kidneys). In some cases tumors of the adrenal glands (called pheochromocytomas) have been reported. In any event, this is the type of hypertension that lends itself to some type of surgical corrective measure. Ironically, it is this form of hypertension that modern medicine has been most successful in treating, mainly because a definite cause exist as follows:
1. Coarctation of the aorta (constriction of the major outflow artery from the heart. |
2. Cushing's syndrome (dysfunction of the adrenal glands). |
3. Drugs; such as amphetamines, oral contraceptives, and thyroid medications. |
4. Tumors of the brain that increase pressure indirectly. |
5. Pheochromocytoma (a not too uncommon tumor of the adrenal glands that produces excess hormones that stimulate the blood pressure |
6. Adrenal tumors that produces too much aldosterone which results in accumulation of excessive amounts of sodium. |
7. Renal structural diseases, secondary to diabetes mellitus, chronic infections, gout, inflammation of the vessels, and congenital deformities, such as polycystic kidneys (many cyst of the kidneys). |
8. Constriction of the blood supply to the kidneys, such as that which could result from excessive plaque formation in the renal arteries (hardening of the renal arteries). |
It's easy to see that many of the above problems lend themselves to some form of medical intervention or surgical correction.
As a general rule of thumb most clinicians will use the following as a crude outline as to how he or she will approach the treatment of hypertension, once it has been adequately established:
Average Diastolic Pressure in mm Hgo |
120 or Higher | 105-119 | 90-104 | Under 90 |
Evaluate & Treat immediately | Treat yearly | Initiate treatment, such as life style changes; drug therapy may be used | Check blood |
Needless to say, a detailed history and background must be undertaken by the physician or the patient himself, as follows:
1. Is there a family history of hypertension, diabetes, or other cardiovascular diseases?
2. The age of onset of the hypertension.
3. Basic diet and intake of salt.
4. The presence of other cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking, drug, obesity, or alcohol use.
5. Symptoms of cardiovascular disease, such as angina pectoris (chest pain), SOB (shortness of breath), and leg cramps on walking.
6. The use of drugs associated with hypertension like oral contraceptives, estrogens, steroids, thyroid hormones, amphetamines, or cold preparations.
7. History of any type of renal (kidney) disease.
8. History of any type of other tumors involving the adrenal, thyroid, or pancreatic glands.
Initially most practitioners, regardless of their convictions, will approach the patient with hypertension identically. We will attempt to convince the patient that a few basic life style changes are necessary to control one's increased blood pressure. These usually center around the recommendation that the patient decrease his or her intake of salt, decrease stress, and try to exercise--good advice regardless of who suggest it. Unfortunately this is the point where conventional and alternative practitioners begin to deviate from their recommendations to treat the hypertensive patient.
It's now established good medical advice that the conscientious and conventionally dedicated practitioner must now suggest or insist that his patient began a life time use of some type of medication, primarily and initially the use of a diuretic. The patient now begins an odyssey of falling into what I call 'the loop'. If he does not object he will be subjected to repeated, expensive, and mostly futile testing. Keep in mind most of these tests are primarily for academic interest and bear only a cursory benefit to the patient. In most cases, as suggested earlier, an origin of one's hypertension will not be found. Granted in the rare case of a surgically correctable lesion it would be money well spent. On the other hand, it's this thin ray of hope that supports the justification, both morally and legally, of the huge financial fees that our medical diagnostic system commands. You might say that is profit by threats, fear, or intimidation.
As a general rule of thumb when a patient is diagnosed as having hypertension he is then considered a patient for life to the medical community. Unlike what is practiced in many countries, he must maintain some contact with a licensed physician in order to assure his prescriptive life line to his anti-hypertensive medication. Maybe you didn't know it, but in most countries in this world medicines are easily obtainable without having to see a physician and pay his or her tribute.
Traditional, pharmaceutically based, therapy for hypertension has come a long way. The physician has a complete and almost inexhaustable number of drugs with which to address the disorder. They range from simple relaxants to powerful arterial dilators (opens the artery) which are usually referred to as beta blocker, and to the releatively new calcium channel blockers (drugs that stop calcium from entering the artery muscle structure); recently, we have created an army of drugs called the ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme--meaningles term to most of us) which block certain chemical reactions in the kidney thought to be implicated in hypertension. The intent of most of the pharmaceutically based agents is to temporarily open up the artery reducing the back pressure on the heart and therefore result in a reduced readable pressure. Some of these drugs also interfere with production of certain enzymes and chemicals manufactured by our body which are known to increase blood pressure.
One simple conclusion can be stated about all of the medication that any physician can prescribe for the patient with hypertension--none cure the disease, yet most will decrease the physical blood pressure reading.
As suggested above, most physicians, conventional and non-conventional, will initially recommend specific life style changes; again let me point out that most of these changes are self explanatory and do not require the so called expertise of trained practitioner of health. Most of these can be summarized as follows:
© EXERCISE: Most authorities have concluded that 30 to 40 minutes of concerted aerobic exercise three to four times per week is effective in controlling moderate levels of hypertension.
© DIET: If you can move to or towards the vegetarian type diet you will surely decrease your blood pressure, in most cases. This type of a diet results in a low sodium and a higher intake of potassium, along with an increase of polyunsaturated oils, such as the flax seed oil, oil of primrose and others. You also get a much higher intake of fibers.
© STRESS: Easy to say but hard to do in our modern society; but, rest assured it will result in a general decrease of your blood pressure readings. This has been confirmed using relaxation techniques, such as biofeedback.
© ALCOHOL: Must be held down to no more that one to two ounces per day (which is about equal to three to four glasses of wine or twelve to 14 ounces of beer).
Larger amounts results in an increase of the blood pressure. Understand that this is not an invitation to go out and get plastered.
© OBESITY: When you gain weight, especially between years 30 to 40, your blood pressure will rise. Also, when you lose weight, regardless of your age, your will lose weight, in most cases.
© DIETARY FATS: The use of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils for cooking or salads result in lowered blood pressure readings; wer'e talking about olive, primrose, walnut, canola, soy, corn, or safflower oils, to mention only a few. Keep your daily intake to no more that 5 to 10% of your total caloric intake.
© SMOKING: Needless to say this filthy habit always results in an increase in the blood pressure, so don't do it.
© POTASSIUM, MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM: Higher intake of these minerals results in a decrease of your blood pressure. It's easy to increase your calcium and magnesium, but difficult to increase your potassium without putting on excessive weight. When it comes to the potassium you're going to have to do some fancy dancing with your physician to get him or her to allow you to have extra potassium, since it is obtainable only by prescription.
© SODIUM: To this day the medical literature is unclear as to the exact role sodium plays in hypertension. But, for the sake of argument, it is only prudent to decrease or consciously eliminate salt from your diet. If you do this, believe me, in our society you will still get more than enough salt to satisfy your body's needs.
Nutritional Supplementation: It has become increasingly more apparent that one must use supplemental vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and food supplements in order to maintain to achieve or maintain a state of good health in our present modern society. No where is this more obvious than in the prevention and control of hypertension. The following is a recommended supplement recommendation for the average hypertensive patient who has chosen to presue an alternative line of approach to address his or her condition; as your have not concluded it is one that is based on the new CDA's and not the antiquated RDA's:
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) | 1000 mgs | t.i.d. |
Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) | 200 IU2 | b.i.d. |
Vitamin Q10 (Co-Enzyme Q10) | 30 mgs | t.i.d. |
B-Complex (All B Vitamins) | 50 mgs | AM & Noon |
Potassium (As Potassium Chloride)3 | 750 mgs | b.i.d. |
Magnesium Citrate (Solution) | 1 oz | q.d. in AM |
Calcium Citrate (Capsule & juice) | 400 mgs | t.i.d. |
Multiple Vitamin/Mineral (Mega4) | 1 to 2 | t.i.d. |
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) | 2 to 3 | t.i.d. |
EFA (Essential Fatty oils)5 | 200 to 300 mgs | t.i.d. |
Garlic (Kyloic capsules or liquid) | 300 to 400 mgs | t.i.d. |
1 - The number of time for consumption per day. ie: q.d. = one time per day; b.i.d. = twice per day; t.i.d. = three time per day. |
2 - Standard International Unit designation. | ||
3 - Usually referred to as mEq (milli-equivalence); Note: 10 mEq = 750 mgs of KCl. | ||
4 - Meaning a High Potency combination, usually 1 to 10 times that of the RDA's and currently based on the new CDA's. |
5 - Refers to the Omega-3 oils that are or can be converted to the gamma-linolenic acid type of oil; such as: Canola, Primrose, Borage, Black current, or Flax seed. |
Now if you can orient your diet habits towards a much lower intake of volume and place particular emphasis on a cusine that centers around the hot spicy vegatarian substance, you're probably home free. You will certainly began to stimulate provocative questions from your personal physician. Be warned most physicians in this country are firm believers in the existance of a phenomenon called 'spontaneous remission'. Be it as it may you are now armed better that your physician in treating your hypertension.
Keep in mind, however, there is always that possibilty that the origin of your hypertension may be rare exception outlined for secondary hypertension; and, remember, this is the isolated situation that does require some form of medical or surgical intervention.
My company would like to advertise on the Deborah Ray Show, or on this web site. Who should I contact for rates and other information?
Sales Department
Tel: (727) 572-0400
Sales Fax: (727) 572-0411
I would like to send a press release or topic idea to the show. How do I contact the Deborah Ray Show?
The Deborah Ray Show
P.O. Box 17522
Clearwater, FL 33762
Fax: (727) 572-0411
How do I contact Dr. Carrow’s medical practice?
The Florida Institute of Health is located in Clearwater, FL, but has a worldwide reputation as a leader in alternative medicine. The main office number is 727-573-3775. Patients can opt to use chelation therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation (for illnesses like Hepatitis C), external counter-pulsation (a noninvasive alternative to heart bypass surgery), nutritional assessment and counseling, and many other treatments.
Does Dr. Carrow only use alternative medicine?
Dr. Carrow uses a combination of the best treatments from both alternative and conventional medicine. Sometimes, conventional medicine does work!
Can every illness be successfully treated with supplements?
Dr. Carrow has been known to say that he can treat every illness that is treated with prescription drugs using a supplement, effectively, but slower.
How many vitamins do Deborah and Doctor Carrow take each day, and what are they?
Dr. Carrow boasts that he takes 69 but after 30 or 40 who’s counting? And Deborah is no slouch herself! Take a look at their complete regimen.
How do you suggest I choose the right supplements?
Invest in a visit to a nutritionally oriented physician or a clinical nutritionist. You will be asked to undergo blood, urine, and hair analysis. Based upon the results of a physical examination, blood chemistry profile, a hair mineral analysis, a urinalysis, a complete blood count, a functional intracellular analysis, and a review of your medical history, present symptoms, and dietary habits, a regime will be recommended for you.
How do I know I can trust your advice?
Deborah Ray and Dr. Carrow have no financial interest in any vitamin or supplement company, or maker of medical devices. They take pride in offering objective medical opinions, and they carefully screen potential advertisers to be sure the products advertised are backed up by scientific research.
How do I find an alternative doctor in my area?
Call 1-866-464-5226.
When can I call the radio show with general medical questions?
We have open phone hours from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Eastern Time each Friday, and 4 to 7 p.m. Eastern Time each Sunday. The call-in number is 1-800-307-3002.
How do you choose which callers get on the air?
Like every great talk show, we are looking for callers who make the show sound better! Because we get literally thousands of call attempts each hour, not every caller can make it on the air. The bottom line is you should be energetic, entertaining and BRIEF with your comment or question. And be nice to the phone screener!
Do you have a newsletter or magazine?
The all-new Deborah Ray Show news magazine is coming soon! It will be a subscription-only publication with cutting edge information on alternative health topics each month. Details to come!
How do I get a radio station in my area to carry the Deborah Ray Show?
Two ways: call the Program Director of your favorite talk station and tell them about the show. Or tell the manager of your favorite health food store to call the Sales Manager of your favorite talk station and ask about sponsoring the show on the station.
What do all the initials M.T. (ASCP) after Deborah’s name mean, in plain English?
Medical Technologist certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists which means Deborah is a certified laboratory technologist with a masters degree in Immunology.
Is Dr. Carrow always right?
Just ask him!
If you enjoy listening to webcasts or music on the internet, you need to know that the music industry and U.S. government are planning to basically shut it down in less than a month.
The effect that this ruling will have on streaming the Deborah Ray Show is not entirely clear, but if it stands, it will have a devastating effect on the overall amount of streamed programming available on the internet.
Update: Jump to 2019: As we now all know streaming audio and video programs on mobile devices and computers, are more popular than ever on the internet. The fear of shutdown in 2002 now seems quaint. Hulu | Netflix | Sling TV |HBO Now | Amazon Prime Video | YouTube TV | Philo TV | PlayStation Vue are just a few of the popular streaming services available on the web.